Nov 29, 12:31 AM
I also wanted to add... go onto UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP (http://new.umusic.com/flash.aspx) and see how many groups you would be missing if ITUNES didn't offer Universal.
If you need "98 DEGREES" on your iPOD, then you better start freaking out...
Otherwise, don't sweat it. Universal has nothing to threaten Apple with. No worries here.
If you need "98 DEGREES" on your iPOD, then you better start freaking out...
Otherwise, don't sweat it. Universal has nothing to threaten Apple with. No worries here.

Dec 1, 11:31 PM
I hate to link to IGN, but here goes:
GT5 damage explained (http://ps3.ign.com/articles/113/1137446p1.html)
Confusion seems to have stemmed from its differing implementation across the game's extensive garage, a point that Sony further clarified. "Standard models have minor deformation and scratches," said Sony, "Premium cars have greater visible level of damage, and Premium racing models have the highest level of damage."
Also from this (http://ps3.ign.com/articles/113/1136979p1.html) article:
"The first update, Yamauchi said, is coming this Saturday and will include restrictions for weight and power in online races.
Yamauchi went on to say that his team would be "upgrading every week, every month." "
GT5 damage explained (http://ps3.ign.com/articles/113/1137446p1.html)
Confusion seems to have stemmed from its differing implementation across the game's extensive garage, a point that Sony further clarified. "Standard models have minor deformation and scratches," said Sony, "Premium cars have greater visible level of damage, and Premium racing models have the highest level of damage."
Also from this (http://ps3.ign.com/articles/113/1136979p1.html) article:
"The first update, Yamauchi said, is coming this Saturday and will include restrictions for weight and power in online races.
Yamauchi went on to say that his team would be "upgrading every week, every month." "

Sep 13, 09:08 PM
Would Windows use the extra 4 cores?
Yes. Windows NT was running on machines with eight processors several years before OS X was even released.

The White iPhone 4 continues

Introducing The White iPhone 4

quot;Apple White iPhone 5quot;

White iPhone 5 in the works?

white iphone 4 and iphone 5

apple white iphone 5.

Apple iPhone 4 has a semi

white iphone 5 release date

Apple#39;s Next iPhone Will Not

The white iPhone 4 still

Tags: apple white iphone 4,

Testing Apple White iPhone for

Apple White iPhone 5

White iPhone 5

delayed iPhone 5 — Apple

Apple iPhone 5 to go Global
Yes. Windows NT was running on machines with eight processors several years before OS X was even released.

Nov 24, 09:03 AM
Anyone been playing the game yet? I saw on other forums, people got the game yesterday. People called stores around where they lived and some stores already had it out.

Apr 11, 11:38 AM
I was already pushing it to wait this long with my 3G. I don't think I can wait another 4 months+ from June.
When does the EVO 2 come out?
When does the EVO 2 come out?

Apr 25, 04:46 PM
Hear we go again, who ever filed the law suit, get a life. Lifes not all about trying to make money out of others, enjoy the product for what it is. And not from what you can make out of it!, and if your worried about being tracked, then you must be doing something wrong!!!!

Apr 27, 03:38 PM
Yes, I think Obama is a horrible president. That doesn't mean he was born in Kenya. Enough with the overly dramatic defense mechanisms. Just because you love the guy doesn't mean you get to live in a fairlytale world where he has no flaws, or he can't be questioned or criticized in the least. Why not focus on figuring out why the document is weird so we can all move on!?!? Do you just have fun laying down baseless attacks for no reason instead? It's a simple question - aimed at graphic artists who know what they're talking about (not you) - so why even discuss it other than to disrupt this issue, misdirect the conversation, and accuse me lying?
The drama is just amazing from you. If this were a movie you would be cleaning up on Oscar night. I have criticized Obama many times in this forum and even started a lot of threads criticizing him. He's not my favorite either, but you have nothing but vitriol for the guy.
Why are you focusing on why the document is weird even after it's been explained to you?
perhaps the Design & Graphics forum would have been a better place to post a technical question about layers in PDF documents.
Because that would not have been dramatic enough.
The drama is just amazing from you. If this were a movie you would be cleaning up on Oscar night. I have criticized Obama many times in this forum and even started a lot of threads criticizing him. He's not my favorite either, but you have nothing but vitriol for the guy.
Why are you focusing on why the document is weird even after it's been explained to you?
perhaps the Design & Graphics forum would have been a better place to post a technical question about layers in PDF documents.
Because that would not have been dramatic enough.

Mar 26, 07:44 PM
It's crap that is no longer needed.
It's needed for me.
Look, Rosetta isn't a part of OS X by default. If it is installed, then it is needed by the user, and thus isn't "crap." If the user doesn't need it, it won't be installed. For most users, it will be "cut out." I don't see why having the option there for people who need it stifles progress.
It's needed for me.
Look, Rosetta isn't a part of OS X by default. If it is installed, then it is needed by the user, and thus isn't "crap." If the user doesn't need it, it won't be installed. For most users, it will be "cut out." I don't see why having the option there for people who need it stifles progress.

Jun 9, 12:36 AM
Radio Shack is still around. :P
It's probably the best place to go. NO ONE is going to know that Radio Shack has the iPhone. Probably a quicker in and out then Best Buy or an Apple Store.
But honestly this whole trade in thing sounds fishy. Why would they give you 270 for a phone you can buy brand new starting the launch date for half that.
It's probably the best place to go. NO ONE is going to know that Radio Shack has the iPhone. Probably a quicker in and out then Best Buy or an Apple Store.
But honestly this whole trade in thing sounds fishy. Why would they give you 270 for a phone you can buy brand new starting the launch date for half that.

Mar 22, 01:37 PM
This is just a preview of the future, Android based tablets will clean the iPads clock. Apple made the so-called iPad 2 as a 1.5. Low res camera, not enough RAM, and low res screen. It's going to be a verrrry long 2012 for Apple. Sure it's selling like hot cakes now, but when buyers see tablets that they don't have to stand inline for, that have better equipment and are cheaper ... Apples house of cards will come crashing down around them.
The only strength that Apple has is the app ecosystem; which is why they are going after Amazon for spiting on the sidewalk. They know the world of hurt coming their way.
Phew, I was beginning to get worried that you hadn't chimed in with your "opinion" yet. Given that everything you've said in the last six months or so has been absolutely wrong, I'll consider your post a guarantee of the iPad's success. Buy buy buy! ;-)
The only strength that Apple has is the app ecosystem; which is why they are going after Amazon for spiting on the sidewalk. They know the world of hurt coming their way.
Phew, I was beginning to get worried that you hadn't chimed in with your "opinion" yet. Given that everything you've said in the last six months or so has been absolutely wrong, I'll consider your post a guarantee of the iPad's success. Buy buy buy! ;-)

Aug 25, 06:53 PM
well im certainly annoyed with Apple's support right now. 3 times my Macbook has been in and now they tell me they cant FIX the problem (the only way I can get my macbook to boot up is to zap the PRAM every time). If I had known it was gonna be this much trouble I would have stuck with my pb or bought a Vaio... :mad:

Aug 26, 05:38 AM
Apple support in the UK is terrible. :( When I had an iMac G5 (Rev.A) I had no end of problems and was without the machine for at least 2-3 months. (which actually cost me some work, as I had just started to do some web design for a local business)
After 5 faults (the last two being it coming back from repair with a damaged screen and a dead hard drive) I eventually convinced them to replace it, but rather than getting another iMac, I figured I'd go for a "safe" option and go for a Rev.D Powerbook as I figured they would have sorted out all the faults. Now, to be fair, I did get a maxed out 17" one as compensation (although they screwed that up and I had to get the RAM sent out separately and fit it myself) but I'd rather have had a perfectly working iMac.
Not much with the Powerbook either though - I had a dead sound board within a couple of weeks of owning it (which meant I was without it for a week or so) and I've now been without the proper use of it for two months again. When it came back from service the first time after being "fixed" it had this:
I've had an iSkin cover on it from day one, so it couldn't have been caused by me (see the next pic) and other than a hairline scratch next to the trackpad (you can't even see it in the photo) it was perfect - it hasn't even been out of my house. Not the first scratched machine I've had either. (if I remember correctly, the first Powerbook was scratched out of the box)
The screen brightness wasn't fixed either, they just disabled my calibrated profile, which gets back maybe 5cd/m2:
As you can see, it used to be quite good:
They replaced the main logic board, but the buzzing that started (and it makes "chirping" noises when running iMovie) is still there.
Funnily enough, as soon as I called to complain, they got the part in the next day (or so they claim) and have said I should have it back next week. I've been told to call up again next Thursday - if I have it back (and working!) by then, I'll be entitled to some kind of compensation, if not, then they'll sort out a replacement machine.
For �280 I'm appalled at the level of service.
I've had far more downtime since switching to a Mac than any other computer - back when I had a store-bought PC years ago from somewhere local, I was without it maybe for a week over a period of several years. When I started building my own machines (at least 5/6 years ago now) that was down to a matter of days. (I could either pick up the parts locally the same day, or order online with next-day shipping)
Since buying the first iMac G5 (got one the day they were available, if I remember correctly) it must have been at least 4-6 months I've been without my computer now. (right now I'm now back to using an old PC I've built from spare parts - but there are at least two parts on their way out - keeps crashing and sometimes refuses to boot, but I'm not going to be buying more hardware for it, unless Apple want to pay the bill)
It probably wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that I'm disabled, and my only real contact with the "outside world" and friends is via the internet.
I absolutely love the OS, and Apple's software, and the hardware is fantastic when it works, but I'm having doubts as to whether my next machine will be from them or not. (realistically, I don't think I could drop OSX for Windows, but I can't believe how unreliable these things are)
At least they're not as bad as Samsung though - they had my two-month-old LCD HDTV in repair for over four months (the store said I had to wait for the repair to be done and get them the TV back to get a refund) which left me with a 14" Portable CRT during that time, and when I eventually did get it back, it went up in smoke as soon as I plugged it in and turned it on - literally! :eek:
After 5 faults (the last two being it coming back from repair with a damaged screen and a dead hard drive) I eventually convinced them to replace it, but rather than getting another iMac, I figured I'd go for a "safe" option and go for a Rev.D Powerbook as I figured they would have sorted out all the faults. Now, to be fair, I did get a maxed out 17" one as compensation (although they screwed that up and I had to get the RAM sent out separately and fit it myself) but I'd rather have had a perfectly working iMac.
Not much with the Powerbook either though - I had a dead sound board within a couple of weeks of owning it (which meant I was without it for a week or so) and I've now been without the proper use of it for two months again. When it came back from service the first time after being "fixed" it had this:
I've had an iSkin cover on it from day one, so it couldn't have been caused by me (see the next pic) and other than a hairline scratch next to the trackpad (you can't even see it in the photo) it was perfect - it hasn't even been out of my house. Not the first scratched machine I've had either. (if I remember correctly, the first Powerbook was scratched out of the box)
The screen brightness wasn't fixed either, they just disabled my calibrated profile, which gets back maybe 5cd/m2:
As you can see, it used to be quite good:
They replaced the main logic board, but the buzzing that started (and it makes "chirping" noises when running iMovie) is still there.
Funnily enough, as soon as I called to complain, they got the part in the next day (or so they claim) and have said I should have it back next week. I've been told to call up again next Thursday - if I have it back (and working!) by then, I'll be entitled to some kind of compensation, if not, then they'll sort out a replacement machine.
For �280 I'm appalled at the level of service.
I've had far more downtime since switching to a Mac than any other computer - back when I had a store-bought PC years ago from somewhere local, I was without it maybe for a week over a period of several years. When I started building my own machines (at least 5/6 years ago now) that was down to a matter of days. (I could either pick up the parts locally the same day, or order online with next-day shipping)
Since buying the first iMac G5 (got one the day they were available, if I remember correctly) it must have been at least 4-6 months I've been without my computer now. (right now I'm now back to using an old PC I've built from spare parts - but there are at least two parts on their way out - keeps crashing and sometimes refuses to boot, but I'm not going to be buying more hardware for it, unless Apple want to pay the bill)
It probably wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that I'm disabled, and my only real contact with the "outside world" and friends is via the internet.
I absolutely love the OS, and Apple's software, and the hardware is fantastic when it works, but I'm having doubts as to whether my next machine will be from them or not. (realistically, I don't think I could drop OSX for Windows, but I can't believe how unreliable these things are)
At least they're not as bad as Samsung though - they had my two-month-old LCD HDTV in repair for over four months (the store said I had to wait for the repair to be done and get them the TV back to get a refund) which left me with a 14" Portable CRT during that time, and when I eventually did get it back, it went up in smoke as soon as I plugged it in and turned it on - literally! :eek:

Apr 20, 01:39 PM
The trade dress claims do not list specific models.
Which tells me somebody botched it. Does it impact damage claims if Samsung decides to present one model that doesn't bear any ressemblance to the iPhone like the ones depicted above ?
Or can Apple amend to add specifity to the claim ?
Or is it moot in the eyes of the court and would only apply when calculating damages if a decision is done in favor of Apple ?
Which tells me somebody botched it. Does it impact damage claims if Samsung decides to present one model that doesn't bear any ressemblance to the iPhone like the ones depicted above ?
Or can Apple amend to add specifity to the claim ?
Or is it moot in the eyes of the court and would only apply when calculating damages if a decision is done in favor of Apple ?

Jul 27, 04:53 PM
Very nice, indeed... (of course, i expect that Apple release something much more beautiful than waht you did :D :p :D)
Thanks, and yes, me too. I just hope they do something to fill that headless hole between the mini and pro. And I hope the innards are more accessible than the mini.
Thanks, and yes, me too. I just hope they do something to fill that headless hole between the mini and pro. And I hope the innards are more accessible than the mini.

Aug 5, 08:50 PM
I did a little digging and the most amount of time between any given ipod release is 10 months. I did more research and apple has released a new ipod on average every 9-10 months; the last major ipod was released in oct. 2005. I say any given tuesday between now and october or expo paris:rolleyes:

Aug 11, 02:29 PM
I wouldn't call over 50% of the N American market a small, local network.
I am sorry, but it is... 150 million people is a small market compared to the other +6 billion people. Europe alone is more than 700 million people...
I am sorry, but it is... 150 million people is a small market compared to the other +6 billion people. Europe alone is more than 700 million people...

Apr 27, 04:19 PM
It'd be fascinating to see how much people cared about 'layers' if the documents in question related to Bush's National Guard deployment or something similar. ;) Haha, no bias here boys!
The difference between me and you is that I'd want an explanation in either account. ;)
The difference between me and you is that I'd want an explanation in either account. ;)

Aug 18, 03:33 PM
So what apps will saturate all four cores or at least get close to it, on either a quad G5 or quad xeon? Are there any?
Are there any apps that really take advantage of four cores on their own?
Are there any apps that really take advantage of four cores on their own?

Jul 31, 12:49 PM
With the possible introduction of the iPhone, movie downloads, Leopard preview, and true video iPods, in addition to new Mac Pros and possibly other updated Macs with the Core 2 Duos, I'm putting my money on a product announcement tomorrow.
Steve's going to spend the keynote telling developers about what they'll be able to do with Leopard, it is a developers conference after all. I'll go out on a limb and say Mac Pros tomorrow or perhaps at the very least, new Xserves. There is every reason to just wait until August 7, but I'll chance my prediction for an update tomorrow. Who's with me!
Steve's going to spend the keynote telling developers about what they'll be able to do with Leopard, it is a developers conference after all. I'll go out on a limb and say Mac Pros tomorrow or perhaps at the very least, new Xserves. There is every reason to just wait until August 7, but I'll chance my prediction for an update tomorrow. Who's with me!
Lord Blackadder
Apr 28, 04:17 PM
If liberals would stop 'crying wolf' ('claiming racism') at every corner, we might actually take them seriously and help out when there's actual evidence.
I couldn't disagree more. Conservatives have already proven that they are willing to either turn a blind eye to or even support such lunatic accusations against anybody so long as it might damage or distract their political opponent. They don't care how far-fetched or personal the attacks are, as long as it creates some useful political capital.
I couldn't disagree more. Conservatives have already proven that they are willing to either turn a blind eye to or even support such lunatic accusations against anybody so long as it might damage or distract their political opponent. They don't care how far-fetched or personal the attacks are, as long as it creates some useful political capital.
Jul 20, 09:32 AM
Is having more cores more energy efficient than having one big fat ass 24Ghz processor? Maybe thats a factor in the increasing core count.
Actually, this is well documented.
There are serious electrical and physical problems with jacking up clock speeds much further than they are now. Intel managed to push their chips to 3.4GHz, but the power consumed was tremendous.
When you can't ramp up the clock speed, your next best alternative is to go for as much parallelism as you can - increase the number of instructions you can execute in a single clock.
Chip makers achieve this in a wide variety of ways, including multiple CPU packages on a motherboard, multiple cores per CPU package, multiple threads per core, and multiple functional units per thread.
And yes, a single CPU at 3GHz can easily consume more power than two CPUs (or two cores) at 1.5GHz.
As for your theoretical 24GHz processor, such a thing is simply not possible with today's technology. (Well, there were some university experiments that hit insanely fast speeds, but don't expect commercial products any time soon.) Given the heat/power curves of today's chips, I wouldn't want to think about the cooling requirements of a 24GHz chip if you could somehow manage to build one.
Of course, breakthroughs do happen, and higher clock speeds might become practical in the future. But multi-core tech isn't going away - we'll simply end up with multiple cores at higher clock speeds.
Actually, this is well documented.
There are serious electrical and physical problems with jacking up clock speeds much further than they are now. Intel managed to push their chips to 3.4GHz, but the power consumed was tremendous.
When you can't ramp up the clock speed, your next best alternative is to go for as much parallelism as you can - increase the number of instructions you can execute in a single clock.
Chip makers achieve this in a wide variety of ways, including multiple CPU packages on a motherboard, multiple cores per CPU package, multiple threads per core, and multiple functional units per thread.
And yes, a single CPU at 3GHz can easily consume more power than two CPUs (or two cores) at 1.5GHz.
As for your theoretical 24GHz processor, such a thing is simply not possible with today's technology. (Well, there were some university experiments that hit insanely fast speeds, but don't expect commercial products any time soon.) Given the heat/power curves of today's chips, I wouldn't want to think about the cooling requirements of a 24GHz chip if you could somehow manage to build one.
Of course, breakthroughs do happen, and higher clock speeds might become practical in the future. But multi-core tech isn't going away - we'll simply end up with multiple cores at higher clock speeds.
Dec 7, 11:42 PM
would those that have played this game reccomend getting it? or are there too many cons (standard cars, multiple versions of one car, bad AI in racing, bad physics in damage esp with standard, etc) that would lead to buyers remorse?
Keep in mind, I have played quite abit of Forza, but now have a PS3 and want agood racing sim but just keep hearing bad things about this game (largely being an incomplete game)
Standard cars- You can't tell the difference on the track, you can't tell the difference on the way they drive, you can't tell the difference on replays, You can only tell a difference in that there is no cockpit mode (most people drive hood or bumper cam) or in photo mode which you use a few times and then never look do it again.
Multiple versions of one car- Yes there are a lot of Skylines, but with 1,000 cars are you going to run out of different rides? Plus there are a lot of rare Gems. The Chaparral 2J, Tommy Karai ZZII, Tank Car, I can keep going.
Bad AI- Yes sir, the AI does suck pretty bad.
Bad Physics in damage- Forza's canned animation damage is better? I'm a level 26 and my cars bend, dent, deform, get tire donuts from rubbing other cars, and lose hoods and doors. The standard cars don't lose parts, but they dent, deform, and get dirty.
The game is a blast and very addicting. No buyers remorse will be had, unless you have a preconceived negative opinion about the game to begin with.
Keep in mind, I have played quite abit of Forza, but now have a PS3 and want agood racing sim but just keep hearing bad things about this game (largely being an incomplete game)
Standard cars- You can't tell the difference on the track, you can't tell the difference on the way they drive, you can't tell the difference on replays, You can only tell a difference in that there is no cockpit mode (most people drive hood or bumper cam) or in photo mode which you use a few times and then never look do it again.
Multiple versions of one car- Yes there are a lot of Skylines, but with 1,000 cars are you going to run out of different rides? Plus there are a lot of rare Gems. The Chaparral 2J, Tommy Karai ZZII, Tank Car, I can keep going.
Bad AI- Yes sir, the AI does suck pretty bad.
Bad Physics in damage- Forza's canned animation damage is better? I'm a level 26 and my cars bend, dent, deform, get tire donuts from rubbing other cars, and lose hoods and doors. The standard cars don't lose parts, but they dent, deform, and get dirty.
The game is a blast and very addicting. No buyers remorse will be had, unless you have a preconceived negative opinion about the game to begin with.
Apr 27, 09:09 AM
No they won't. They're not going to delete the DB - they're only storing a week. Did you read the story?
For those of us who regularly travel for work between locations but stay away for more than a week, it will be a hit in performance. I just hope there is a setting that allows a larger data file to be kept.
For those of us who regularly travel for work between locations but stay away for more than a week, it will be a hit in performance. I just hope there is a setting that allows a larger data file to be kept.
Apr 27, 10:28 AM
Don't you just love it? Apple identifies an potential issue, and does something to remedy it, and they get yelled at for doing so. If they do nothing, they get yelled at for doing nothing.
Catch 22.
Apple identified it? No. Check your history. It was brought TO Apple's attention over a year ago.
It was again brought TO Apple's attention via various reports and articles.
THEN Apple looked into the matter.
I commend Apple for taking action (now).
But let's not rewrite history, shall we?
Catch 22.
Apple identified it? No. Check your history. It was brought TO Apple's attention over a year ago.
It was again brought TO Apple's attention via various reports and articles.
THEN Apple looked into the matter.
I commend Apple for taking action (now).
But let's not rewrite history, shall we?