Apr 6, 01:55 PM
I purchased a Xoom over the weekend it's a great device, a little heavy, but very awesome for its first pass. I used to own an iPad 1, gave it away, didn't want an iPad 2. Why do I need two devices of the same OS where the UI was designed for the iPhone (smaller device) to begin with?


2012 Honda Civic Interior

2012 Honda Civic Interior

Honda Civic HF 2012 Interior

2012 honda civic interior. 2012 Honda Civic Hf Front; 2012 Honda Civic Hf Front. EagerDragon. Aug 25, 06:45 PM. Apple needs to address this situation

2012 Honda Civic Ex L Front

View 2012 Honda Civic EX-L

2012 Honda Civic Hybrid Demo

2012 honda civic interior

Jun 8, 07:09 PM
That's me!
Nearest Apple Store is 90 minutes away. Nearest Authorized AT&T store that would carry the iPhone is like 60. Radio shack is just 10 minutes.
I'm wondering though, what would be the advantages/disadvantages to buying it at Radio Shack vs AT&T vs The Apple Store? Once I have the item purchased, will I notice any sort of difference what-so-ever?
Why would there be any difference? Do Cheese Doodles purchased form the Piggly Wiggly taste any better than those purchased from Publix?
Nearest Apple Store is 90 minutes away. Nearest Authorized AT&T store that would carry the iPhone is like 60. Radio shack is just 10 minutes.
I'm wondering though, what would be the advantages/disadvantages to buying it at Radio Shack vs AT&T vs The Apple Store? Once I have the item purchased, will I notice any sort of difference what-so-ever?
Why would there be any difference? Do Cheese Doodles purchased form the Piggly Wiggly taste any better than those purchased from Publix?

Aug 11, 02:47 PM
You guys are looking about a $500.00 phone...atleast.
not just that, it's just not happening.
come on, too much stuff on a phone.
If we get a basic GOOD phone with contact list ala Apple design and ipod, that's enough. You start adding so much crap on a phone and in the end it just get overkill.
not just that, it's just not happening.
come on, too much stuff on a phone.
If we get a basic GOOD phone with contact list ala Apple design and ipod, that's enough. You start adding so much crap on a phone and in the end it just get overkill.

Aug 5, 11:26 PM
No Macbook Pros?? I hope there won't be any. My MBP gets to stay top of the line for few more weeks ;) . Besides, and correct me if I'm wrong, but when was the last time that any notebook was mere updated at WWDC ??

Jun 14, 06:01 AM
What did I miss here?
Going to RS today to turn in my iPhone. I don't know what to
make of the quote you provided but will there be any
restrictions in the upgrade purchase I want to make?
What did I miss here?
Going to RS today to turn in my iPhone. I don't know what to
make of the quote you provided but will there be any
restrictions in the upgrade purchase I want to make?

Apr 27, 10:05 AM
I don't understand politics. Your economy is sinking, unemployment rates are high, real estate prices have collapsed, gasoline prices are spiking. The world is wondering if this is the end of America's super status and there is more concern over a birth certificate issue that was put to bed 3 years ago.??
From where I'm standing the US is in serious financial trouble based on the decisions of previous governments and the current government is left cleaning it up. This is the worst time for the left and right to be bickering about such pettiness as a slow economic fall is becoming inevitable. This is like watching two officers argue about who gets to lower the lifeboats while the Titanic is sinking.
From where I'm standing the US is in serious financial trouble based on the decisions of previous governments and the current government is left cleaning it up. This is the worst time for the left and right to be bickering about such pettiness as a slow economic fall is becoming inevitable. This is like watching two officers argue about who gets to lower the lifeboats while the Titanic is sinking.

Apr 8, 05:01 AM
Maybe they ate too much magical unicorn dust and it clouded their judgement. :rolleyes:
Omg unicorn dust that is so funny! Where do you get this awesome material? Hilarious!
Omg unicorn dust that is so funny! Where do you get this awesome material? Hilarious!

Jul 14, 03:04 PM
Power Supply at the top is REALLY stupid.

Mar 31, 02:27 PM
Say What I thought a closed system was bad..hahahhaahahahah

Blue Velvet
Mar 23, 05:02 PM
We should either stay out of ALL interference, or else put on the damn star-spangled cape and superhero tights and get to business already. Wherever evil is, we must go and fight it! :rolleyes:
That's what it might look like from your shores. Fortunately, the world and life isn't so black and white.
Quite right. So far the whole Libya affair has a lot more in common with Desert Fox (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Iraq_(December_1998)) than Iraq...
Operationally, perhaps. But politically, more in line with Bosnia, a civil war on Europe's borders involving genocide... with the added complications of Gaddafi's record, set in context of uprisings across the entire region.
It's much easier than actually addressing your real views... it's a defense mechanism which she uses to avoid serious debate.
Chuckle of the evening. Serious debate? You have no idea what debate is, endlessly unthinkingly recycling the same garbage that's so easily shot down from Heritage and other paid shills, thinking Fox News is a news organisation and Newt Gingrich is some kind of debating genius. Newt Gingrich, the idiot-savant, who only two weeks ago was urging the president:
Asked, �what would you do about Libya?� Gingrich responded:
Exercise a no-fly zone this evening. � We don�t need to have the United Nations. All we have to say is that we think that slaughtering your own citizens is unacceptable and that we�re intervening.
and now is saying:

2012 Honda Civic hybrid

2012 honda civic interior

2012 Honda Civic Si Interior

2012 Honda Civic Coupe –

2012 Honda Civic, including

The 2012 Civic represents an

2012 honda civic interior

The 2012 Honda Civic interior

2012 honda civic interior
That's what it might look like from your shores. Fortunately, the world and life isn't so black and white.
Quite right. So far the whole Libya affair has a lot more in common with Desert Fox (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Iraq_(December_1998)) than Iraq...
Operationally, perhaps. But politically, more in line with Bosnia, a civil war on Europe's borders involving genocide... with the added complications of Gaddafi's record, set in context of uprisings across the entire region.
It's much easier than actually addressing your real views... it's a defense mechanism which she uses to avoid serious debate.
Chuckle of the evening. Serious debate? You have no idea what debate is, endlessly unthinkingly recycling the same garbage that's so easily shot down from Heritage and other paid shills, thinking Fox News is a news organisation and Newt Gingrich is some kind of debating genius. Newt Gingrich, the idiot-savant, who only two weeks ago was urging the president:
Asked, �what would you do about Libya?� Gingrich responded:
Exercise a no-fly zone this evening. � We don�t need to have the United Nations. All we have to say is that we think that slaughtering your own citizens is unacceptable and that we�re intervening.
and now is saying:

Mar 31, 05:24 PM
Just speaking to your 'year of the linux' quote that's all.
Just speaking to your 'year of the linux' quote that's all.

Jul 27, 09:45 PM
but is still more productive because it handles more calculations per clock cycle
I'm no processor geek. I have a basic understanding of the terminology and how things work so correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this one of the advantages that the PPC had over Intel chips? Does this mean Intel is moving toward shorter pipes? Are we talking more instructions per clock cycle or what? What does "calculations" mean in this context?
This was one of the advantages of the G5 but IBM stalled and Intel has essentially blown past everybody. AMD will answer no doubt, but it appears that Intel has about a 6 month jump on them.
I'm no processor geek. I have a basic understanding of the terminology and how things work so correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this one of the advantages that the PPC had over Intel chips? Does this mean Intel is moving toward shorter pipes? Are we talking more instructions per clock cycle or what? What does "calculations" mean in this context?
This was one of the advantages of the G5 but IBM stalled and Intel has essentially blown past everybody. AMD will answer no doubt, but it appears that Intel has about a 6 month jump on them.

Jul 31, 12:01 PM
Multimedia, Snowy and Grokgod,
Thanks for the continued thoughts. A store manager said she would be flexible with the 14 day return date, as lnog as I understand that I would pay the restock fee of 10%. What that means to me is I will hold on to this machine until the WWDC and if new model is announced I will return and repurchase, eating the restock fee.( Kind of a pay for usage plan I look at it as.) If no new enhancements are announced with the iMac i guess I will keep mine.
However, there is the thought as one of you have brought up to just reetuen and wait until Sept. when it may be more likely to arrive. A slippery slop0e I know but I am leaning mroe toward a return and repurchase, as a sort of insruance policy of sorts.
I know I can't have my cake and eat it...., but I was looking for insight into how likely an improvement in the iMac is this August.
Thanks again!
That's an accommodating manager that you found. The lesson learned here I suppose, and it's been said time and time again, is never buy a new computer before a major Mac conference (Macworld SF & Paris, and WWDC).
Thanks for the continued thoughts. A store manager said she would be flexible with the 14 day return date, as lnog as I understand that I would pay the restock fee of 10%. What that means to me is I will hold on to this machine until the WWDC and if new model is announced I will return and repurchase, eating the restock fee.( Kind of a pay for usage plan I look at it as.) If no new enhancements are announced with the iMac i guess I will keep mine.
However, there is the thought as one of you have brought up to just reetuen and wait until Sept. when it may be more likely to arrive. A slippery slop0e I know but I am leaning mroe toward a return and repurchase, as a sort of insruance policy of sorts.
I know I can't have my cake and eat it...., but I was looking for insight into how likely an improvement in the iMac is this August.
Thanks again!
That's an accommodating manager that you found. The lesson learned here I suppose, and it's been said time and time again, is never buy a new computer before a major Mac conference (Macworld SF & Paris, and WWDC).

Aug 20, 12:51 PM
Freescale? Where does Freescale have a 64 -bit spot on their road map? (I want to know) Could this be.. really? Freescale? Now there's a twist I for one, did not see

Sep 19, 12:18 AM
well i hope that this happens....and that they make more changes with the MBP

Mar 17, 01:29 PM
Ron Paul believes in term limits, but keeps running and running and running...
Oh, and Rand didn't fall far from the tree. From wiki for anyone who is curious:
Controversial claims made in Ron Paul's newsletters, written in the first person narrative, included statements such as "Boy, it sure burns me to have a national holiday for that pro-communist philanderer Martin Luther King. I voted against this outrage time and time again as a Congressman. What an infamy that Ronald Reagan approved it! We can thank him for our annual Hate Whitey Day." Along with "even in my little town of Lake Jackson, Texas, I've urged everyone in my family to know how to use a gun in self defense. For the animals are coming." Another notable statement that garnered controversy was "opinion polls consistently show only about 5% of blacks have sensible political opinions, if you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be". An issue from 1992 refers to carjacking as the "hip-hop thing to do among the urban youth who play unsuspecting whites like pianos." In an article titled "The Pink House" the newsletter wrote that "Homosexuals, not to speak of the rest of society, were far better off when social pressure forced them to hide their activities." These publications would later create political problems for Paul and he considered retiring his seat. Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Paul)
He won't ever be president, and he should have resigned his seat years ago.
It's one thing to vote against pay raises; it's another to actually do something about them. It's one thing to vote against many things that you know are going to pass, and another to stand up to your party when it counts.
Oh, and Rand didn't fall far from the tree. From wiki for anyone who is curious:
Controversial claims made in Ron Paul's newsletters, written in the first person narrative, included statements such as "Boy, it sure burns me to have a national holiday for that pro-communist philanderer Martin Luther King. I voted against this outrage time and time again as a Congressman. What an infamy that Ronald Reagan approved it! We can thank him for our annual Hate Whitey Day." Along with "even in my little town of Lake Jackson, Texas, I've urged everyone in my family to know how to use a gun in self defense. For the animals are coming." Another notable statement that garnered controversy was "opinion polls consistently show only about 5% of blacks have sensible political opinions, if you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be". An issue from 1992 refers to carjacking as the "hip-hop thing to do among the urban youth who play unsuspecting whites like pianos." In an article titled "The Pink House" the newsletter wrote that "Homosexuals, not to speak of the rest of society, were far better off when social pressure forced them to hide their activities." These publications would later create political problems for Paul and he considered retiring his seat. Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Paul)
He won't ever be president, and he should have resigned his seat years ago.
It's one thing to vote against pay raises; it's another to actually do something about them. It's one thing to vote against many things that you know are going to pass, and another to stand up to your party when it counts.

Apr 6, 06:48 PM
I still don't think this means new MacBook Airs in June. Can anyone really see Apple releasing new hardware before Lion is released?
Yes I can...
In fact I expect it.
Then the full range of machines can run either SL or Lion. You don't normally see machines restricted to running the new OS until after update 2 or 3. Otherwise they'd be cutting off pro sales for people who rely on some 3rd party software that doesn't cope with Lion till those or the software itself updates.
Yes I can...
In fact I expect it.
Then the full range of machines can run either SL or Lion. You don't normally see machines restricted to running the new OS until after update 2 or 3. Otherwise they'd be cutting off pro sales for people who rely on some 3rd party software that doesn't cope with Lion till those or the software itself updates.

Jul 28, 03:57 AM
You might want to make that til Tuesday September 12 when the Paris Apple Expo opens with an Apple keynote.
Yeah, I meant around that time. I'm not going to order it on midnight august 31st :P
It's just painfull thinking about all the goodies coming out soon.
Yeah, I meant around that time. I'm not going to order it on midnight august 31st :P
It's just painfull thinking about all the goodies coming out soon.

Apr 27, 03:13 PM
Now are we done with this useless nonsense?
Of course not, they will find something else to argue about.
Of course not, they will find something else to argue about.
Charlie Sheen
Mar 26, 04:48 AM
Can't wait. Hope it's awesome
Apr 19, 02:15 PM
Well if I'm wrong about the information, then I don't think anyone will argue about the fact that the Palm OS has been around since 1996, and the Apple iPhone uses a similar interface..
All I'm saying is that If there were devices using a similar interface before the iPhone came out I don't see how its fair to sue anyone for it..
All I'm saying is that If there were devices using a similar interface before the iPhone came out I don't see how its fair to sue anyone for it..
Jul 14, 05:13 PM
What about support for 2 30" cinema displays? You need two video cards to do that, right?
Nope. The GeForce 6800 card Apple offered on their AGP-based G5 towers had two dual-link DVI ports.
Today's high-end PCIe offering - an ATI Quadro 4500 - also does, but it consumes two slots (one card, but the fan is too large to allow anything in the slot next to it.)
Looking at PC product offerings by ATI (http://www.ati.com/products/workstation/fireglmatrix.html), you can see that they also offer video cards with two dual-link DVI ports on a single card. You can even get this on a Radeon X1900 series card (http://www.ati.com/products/radeonx1900/radeonx1900xtx/specs.html).
Given that this is easily available for the PC world, there's no reason why it can't also be made available for the Mac (aside from someone deciding to write the device driver, of course.)
Nope. The GeForce 6800 card Apple offered on their AGP-based G5 towers had two dual-link DVI ports.
Today's high-end PCIe offering - an ATI Quadro 4500 - also does, but it consumes two slots (one card, but the fan is too large to allow anything in the slot next to it.)
Looking at PC product offerings by ATI (http://www.ati.com/products/workstation/fireglmatrix.html), you can see that they also offer video cards with two dual-link DVI ports on a single card. You can even get this on a Radeon X1900 series card (http://www.ati.com/products/radeonx1900/radeonx1900xtx/specs.html).
Given that this is easily available for the PC world, there's no reason why it can't also be made available for the Mac (aside from someone deciding to write the device driver, of course.)
sierra oscar
Sep 19, 09:19 AM
AMEN!!!! This whole thread has the tone of a spoiled 13 year old's "I want" tirade. All the benchmarks show little difference between Merom and what you can buy today...and the 64 bit argument is really moot for most users because....(ready for it)....it's a laptop! Very few will have more than 2GB RAM on it anyway, and addressing larger RAM partitions is the #1 64 bit advantage.
That whole comment had the tone of a spoilt 13 year old...
You have no idea why some ppl are waiting for the next revision or upgrade - don't benchmark your rationale with others in way that dismisses other ppl who have equally legitimate reasons and opinions...
Some ppl (who don't have allot of money to drop every year for the next best thing) have to spend wisely - and perhaps just want a revB machine that is more stable and refined. I for one keep my macs until they die...so I will be waiting for revB to maximise my chances of a solid bug-free machine.
If that makes me spoilt - b/c I don't want to purchase new products year after year - then there is nothing I can do about your perceptions...
That whole comment had the tone of a spoilt 13 year old...
You have no idea why some ppl are waiting for the next revision or upgrade - don't benchmark your rationale with others in way that dismisses other ppl who have equally legitimate reasons and opinions...
Some ppl (who don't have allot of money to drop every year for the next best thing) have to spend wisely - and perhaps just want a revB machine that is more stable and refined. I for one keep my macs until they die...so I will be waiting for revB to maximise my chances of a solid bug-free machine.
If that makes me spoilt - b/c I don't want to purchase new products year after year - then there is nothing I can do about your perceptions...
Aug 11, 10:39 AM
These iPhone rumours continue to persist. I admit to being a sceptic, but maybe I'm wrong! I just hope that if they do do it, they do it well.
The Intel Mac rumors persisted too.
The Intel Mac rumors persisted too.